Meet Butch

The word for Butch is enthusiastic. In fact, that’s how he got his first job: as mascot for NCKU (National Cat and Kitten University). He’d run around on the sidelines of the big game and cheer the players on, flipping and spinning and leaping to great heights. Sadly, he was released from his position when everyone realized he was cheering for both sides. Butch is just that kind of kitty--he loves every other cat out there! Aside from other cats, he also loves playing keep-away with spring toys and wands. Butch also needs his downtime, and he loves a good nap and some snuggles. He’d do best in a house with another cat or kitten he can play with and root for. He’s a ball of fun!

Butch found a home! For more adoptable cats, see the LYFF Adopt page.


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