Meet Laka

Laka briefly considered a career as a professional marathoner, but in the end decided she couldn’t handle the pushy-shovey required to be at the front of the pack. Besides, those catnaps weren’t going to take themselves! She still likes a good run on the wheel, as well as playing with other cats, but she also appreciates a good snooze. She loves attention from humans and will just tolerate being picked up and cuddled, but she’s more comfortable when she initiates the love--which she will absolutely do. She’s 100% a sweetheart who wants a little exercise and playtime, a little loving and cuddling, and plenty of napping. (In other words, a cat!). Give sweet Laka a chance to run away with your heart!

Laka found a home! For more adoptable cats, see the LYFF Adopt page.


Meet Kawhi


Meet Luka