Meet Valentina


Due to her looks and her vocal skills, Valentina was groomed from an early age for a career in play-by-play commentating for the NKSL— National Kitty Soccer League. But partway through her training, she walked out, because her heart just wasn’t in it. This four-month-old was simply too shy to be in front of millions of feline eyes. Instead, she’s searching for a smaller arena where she can contribute her talents. You’ll still hear from her! She’s still got the knack for talking while she’s playing with other cats, and once you gain her trust, she will purr for days at you. She’s soft, fluffy sweetheart who loves being petted. If you’re ready to help this shy girl find her confidence, you’ll have a gorgeous, loving, and chatty companion for life!

Valentina found a home! For more available cats, see the LYFF Adopt page.


Meet Red


Meet Tesha