Meet Jubilee


Watch out, world, because Jubilee has her sassy pants on! Dolly Parton—who just might be Jubilee’s spirit animal—has said “If you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain.” And boy, has this sweet 4 year old been through some rain. After languishing in a local shelter with a broken pelvis, she was rescued, spent more than a month on cage-rest to heal, and is now ready for her rainbow! She can be silly and playful, and she loves to sit in your lap for pets, TV time, and as many treats as you’ll give her. But she’ll also be clear when she doesn’t want something—like cats that are too clingy or dogs that won’t leave her alone. Jubilee will do a lot of singing to you (just like Dolly), and she’ll be a fantastic companion for adults, older kids, or older cats … anyone who will enjoy a sassy, independent kitty with a big heart.

(Jubilee found a home! For more available cats, see LYFF's Adopt page.)


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Meet Spot